2019-20 IINSPIRE LSAMP Conference Logistics
Registration/check-in for the IINSPIRE LSAMP Conference will take place in the Commons. Please see campus building map. Vans and attendees needing to unload materials may park temporarily (no more than 15 minutes) in the circle drive located directly outside the Commons between Bartlett Hall and Lawther Hall.
Once you register/check-in and obtain your parking permit, you may park in any lot labeled “B”. Parking in A, CP, G, metered, or any other lot will result in a ticket.
—-Exhibitors for Student Opportunities Fair:
The Student Opportunities Fair will take place in the Schindler Education Center. Exhibitors are asked to register/check in at the Commons. However, it is best for exhibitors to unload in the Latham Field Lot (A) located between the Student Health Center and Lawther Hall. Exhibitors may park in spaces OR pull into the unload slots next to the building for 15 minutes to unload. A conference volunteer will be in the Schindler Education Center to guide exhibitors to their tables. Each exhibitor is provided a 6-foot table and may begin setting up at 12:00pm. If you indicated an electrical outlet is needed, one will be provided.
—-Pre-Conference Tour Participants (Pre-registration Required – Tour is FULL):
Pre-conference tour participants are required to wear comfortable shoes that protect their feet. Vans for the pre-conference tour will depart promptly at 8:30am from the circle drive located directly outside the Commons.
—Poster Presenters:
Poster presenters are asked to set check in at the registration table and set up their posters in the Schindler Education Center between 12:00 – 12:30 pm on Friday. If you are unable to be on campus during this time (due to travel logistics or pre-conference attendance), please leave your poster at the registration desk. An IINSPIRE LSAMP conference volunteer will ensure that your research poster is pinned to the proper display easel.
—-Guest Wifi
University of Northern Iowa provides guest WiFi to visitors of the University. This access is available anywhere the campus standard WiFi network is. Please visit this page for more information. We recommend that conference attendees set up guest internet access for all their devices before coming to campus.
—-Presenters and Speakers:
Presenters should use the following login information to access the computers located in the classrooms.
Username: coe-presenter
Password: alohamora