The IINSPIRE LSAMP goal is to go beyond doubling the number of underrepresented minority (URM) STEM baccalaureate graduates in the alliance by 50%, from 350 to 525 graduates, and to pursue an array of project outcomes to broaden the participation of underrepresented minorities in STEM education across all sixteen alliance institutions in Iowa, Illinois and Nebraska.
- Implement and extend comprehensive, evidence-based, innovative, and sustained strategies to achieve LSAMP priorities, resulting in the graduation of well-prepared, highly-qualified students from underrepresented groups who pursue graduate studies or careers in STEM.
- Engage alliance faculty to support their mentoring of students, use of evidence-based and inclusive teaching practices, and understanding of URM STEM student success.
- Investigate research questions and collect data to study the effect of program activities, better understand URM STEM student success and institutional environment, inform and guide programmatic efforts, and contribute to scientific knowledge.
- Strategically manage the organizational, financial, data, and communication aspects of the project within/across institutions and with partners, including alliance-wide activities that strengthen collaborative approaches.
- Evaluate institutional and alliance program effectiveness and sustainability guided by logic model outcomes.
- As broader impacts, improve educational pathways, training, partnerships, networking, and infrastructure that contribute to inclusive institutions and a diverse STEM workforce prepared to address societal needs.